Medicinal Plant and Extracts


Embarking on a Healing Mission, QUANTUM~VERITAS ​International University Systems “QVIUS” is paving the ​way for a more modern and up-to-date community of ​healthcare professionals who are genuinely called to the ​mission of Healing. QVIUS has initiated an all-new calling ​and the coming together of healthcare professionals in ​a nondenominational, ecumenical movement and ​mission to heal humanity, one individual at a time, by any ​means necessary and the most accurate means. This ​new calling is termed: “Somiatry” a word that comes ​from two Latin words: soma, which refers to the entire ​body of work or an organism, and iatric, which refers to ​the work of a Physician, Priest, Healer, or Servant to ​Humanity (Ser.)

Fresh Medicinal Plants for Tea Brewing
Chinese Herbal Medicine Platter

The Somiatry Mission is a nondenominational, ecumenical ​movement of healthcare professionals and individuals called ​to serve. We are coming together in an everyday ministry to Heal ​Humanity One Individual at a Time by Any Means Necessary ​and the Truest Means.

Historically, the Medical Mission has been to save lives and cure or ​manage diseases. The continuum to the Medical ​Mission is the Healing Mission. From the prophets of old and the ​Priesthood of Indigenous Modalities, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, ​Naturopathy, Traditional Eastern Healing Methods, and the 21st-century ministry of “​Somiatry,” the mission is to facilitate the journey of Life, Health, and Healing, culminating in a state of Wellness.

For the past 200-plus years, the dynamic healing ​mission has been called quackery” Still, in recent times, ​Dynamic Healing has become alternative, holistic, ​complementary, functional, and integrative. The ​Somiatry mission of QUANTUM~VERITAS International ​University Systems (QVIUS) is not to save lives, cure, or ​manage disease but to facilitate and enhance Life, ​Health, and Healing through growing an authentic and ​natural state of well-being by establishing an ​environment most conducive to an individual, placing ​such individual in a conducive environment and then, ​shepherding and maintaining an individual in that ​conducive environment while the natural flow of nature ​(Physis) grows that individual into a true, and natural ​state of health and wellness.

Herbal Tea with Natural Healing Medical Herbs, Tea Cup, Tea Pot
Herbal Medicine

The Somiatry program offers a Six-Step process toward ​becoming a Servant to Humanity (Ser):




Introduction to ​Shephard Healing


Practical Shepherd

This first step is a significant achievement for individuals with a minimum high ​school diploma or equivalent, paving a career path within the Art, Science, and philosophy of Life, Health, and Healing through the practice of the laying on of hands and Healing. It is the very ​beginning where the Fundamentals of the ​Laws of ​Healing: Bio-Dynamics, Bio-Chemistry, Contraries, ​Similars, Structure & Function, along with the ​Medical ​Disciplines: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, ​Chemistry, Health Assessment, Healing Modalities, and more, are learned. ​This level forms the primary foundation for all remaining academia. This level is an approximate ​2-year program that leads to a ​Certificate in Somatics (Bodywork, massage).

2 Years

This is the next step for those who have completed step 1, or an acceptable ​apprenticeship program, and chose to further their education in ​an expanded curriculum that includes education ​drawn from the schools of Ayurveda, Herbology, ​Homeopathy, and Nutrition, as well as various ​philosophies of Indigenous Medica. This program is ​approximately two years long, marking a significant growth in the journey.

2 Years

This two-year program allows individuals to deepen their ​training and apply their skills while serving on the staff of a ​healing ministry under the guidance and tutelage of an ​Anointed Shepherd or Servant. The curriculum includes ​aromatherapy, reiki, craniopathy, structure & function (Naprapathy), ​and meridians, focusing on specific areas like ​Nutrition,

Herbology, and Homeopathy. Electives in ​Ethnic & Energy Healing, Guided Meditation, astro-cybernetics, and more ​are available, with options for advanced standing. Upon completing this level, one may establish ​a practice independently within a Mission of Healing. This individual practice is under the mentoring of a Servant to Humanity or Anointed Servant to Humanity. Completing this level is a significant achievement in their career.

2 Years


Anointed Shepherd

At this level, the individual is engaged in independent practice and mentored by a healthcare professional or a Servant ​(Ser.) After practicing independently for at least two years and having demonstrated mastery of the Five Laws of ​Healing and Medical Disciplines through the completion of board examinations, an Anointed Shepherd ​may be nominated by a Servant and seconded by an ​Anointed Servant to become a Servant to Humanity.

2 Years


Servant to ​Humanity (Ser).

After a minimum ​of four years of service as an Anointed Shepherd, one ​may be nominated by a Servant and seconded by an ​Anointed Servant to take on the calling of the whole ​mission of Healing, adding the letters Ser. in front of ​their name and designated as a Somiatrist, and ​Servant to Humanity.

4 Years​


Anointed Servant

After four years of service as a Servant to Humanity and ​reaching the age of 40 plus one day, one can be nominated by no less than two ​Anointed Servants to become an Anointed Servant to ​Humanity whose life’s work leaves a legacy through advancing and shepherding the ​healing mission, demonstrated through publishing, ​establishing a school, or advancing academia and ​research. The ​title “A.Ser.” is added before their name, marking a lifetime achievement.

Li​fetime Achievement

The medical Physician endeavors to cure or treat disease either chemically or surgically.
The Vitalistic healthcare professional, Servant to Humanity, (Somiatrist) endeavors to grow health through the appropriate application of the Five fundamental Laws of Healing.

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Bio-Dynamic (Meridians, Chakras, Prayer-Meditation)

Bio-Chemical (Good Food)

Contraries (Medicine & Surgeries)

Similars (Homeopathy)

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Structure & Function (Chiropractic, Craiopathy, Vetabrology, ​Reflexology, Kinesiology, Naprapathy)

Young Woman during Self-Healing Session in  Room
Herbal Tea with Natural Healing Medical Herbs, Tea Cup, Tea Pot

QVIUS established a Credential attesting to one’s Discipline in Dynamic Integral Medica (DDIM).

Healthcare professionals with the credentials Disciplined in Dynamic Integral ​Medica (DDIM) are not Medical Physicians, but Healing Professionals ​empowered with the skills needed to appropriately implement the above Five ​(5) fundamental Laws of Healing.

A true Physis Facilitator (Physician) holds such knowledge and skills. Still, during ​the modern industrial age of scientific reductionism, things were reduced to ​their fundamental functional component and each element was assigned its ​appropriate place.

This greatly impacted the medical/healing community as each law became its ​professional denomination:
Bio-dynamic became Ayurveda, Oriental, and ​Indigenous Medicine, Biochemistry became Naturopathy (ND), Contraries ​became Allopathy (MD), Similars became Homeopathy, and Structure & ​Function became Chiropractic (DC). Somiatry represents the reunification of ​careers from the medical denominations to the calling of the Dynamic Healing ​Mission, capable of competently and appropriately navigating the Five ​Fundamental Laws of Healing. Few physicians today, regardless of their ​training, possess such skills.

Surgeons and Practitioners represent the medical science component of the ​medical community. Unlike the skills of medicine and surgery, Healers ​represent a Dynamic thinking element of the healthcare community. All ​healthcare professionals regardless of denomination are mandated to execute ​the fundamental task of assessing an individual’s state of health, ​determining the threat of that state to the individual, their immediate ​environment, and the community at large.

QUANTUM~VERITAS International University Systems (QVIUS) presents the
Credential “Disciplined in Dynamic Integral Medica” (D.D.I.M.). to those who have demonstrated the ability to appropriately navigate the work of a Dynamic Healer.
These individuals carry the endorsement of QVIUS as they embark on their mission to heal Humanity with the understanding that the mission of Somiatry is more than a career, it is a calling.

Variety of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Healing Scents

The Priesthood of Humanity is composed of Four (4) ​fundamental elements:

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Academia = The Scholar called to further our knowledge and ​understanding

Healing = The Servant to Humanity (Ser.) called to facilitate ​our state of health and well-being

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Justice = Those called to assure equality and fairness within ​society.

Pastoring = Those with the calling to offer guidance as we ​endeavored to gain and maintain true fidelity with that which ​is ineffable.

The Medical Physician borrows the title “Doctor” from the ​Academic Scholar. As a Servant to Humanity, the (Somiatrist) ​Healing Professional adopted its own separate and distinct title, and is formally addressed as Ser. John or Ser. Jane. The ​Medical Mission is to save lives, cure or at least manage the ​disease, and endeavor to improve health through chemical or surgical methods. Somiatry ​endeavors to grow health through the appropriate application of ​the Five Fundamental Laws of Healing,

The Somiatry Mission presented by QUANTUM~VERITAS International University Systems (QVIUS) is not to treat, cure, nor manage disease but rather Shepherd Humanity through their journey of Life, Health, Healing while enhancing and facilitating the continual evolution of an authentic and natural state of Wellness.

Fresh Medicinal Plants for Tea Brewing